It’s been proven... professional women who build their intuition make better decisions and are more successful.
Did you know that the amount of women wanting to increase they intuition and be on a spiritual path has never been higher?  

In fact, there is a real movement around Spirituality right now.   You may have read about Spirituality or heard about it.

There is a mistaken belief  that all you need to do is hear about it or know about it and your done.  But it is a practice that you can incorporate into your everyday life.

You may not think that your gut instinct is part of a spiritual practice, but it is.  We just usually call it intuition.

Recent studies are proving that more and more women are  not only using their gut instincts to make final decision but trusting their decision with a higher rate of accuracy.
Workshops and Talks:

Intuition as a Decision Making Tool
This Workshop was given to 50 entrepreneurial women interested in learning how to improve their intution for decision making purposes

According to the APS (Association for Psychological Science) more and more women are tuning in to their Intuition to make better decision in the workplace.  This is showing a higher success rate in their jobs and careers.  

Trusting the gut is a skill you can learn.  With simple techniques and practice you can learn this for yourself.

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to identify ways to gain confidence, manage their energy and find their confidence to trust their inner guidance.
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Mindfulness, Meditation, and Essential Oils, Oh My!
Using Integrative Therapies for Stress Management
This presentation given for the AL-APSE & ACDD Conference provided participants with self-care techniques such as the ability to understand what mindfulness is and how to incorporate it into everyday life, proper breathing techniques for stress reduction, and how to incorporate integrative therapies into a daily routine, including essential oils, meditation, reiki, and yoga.

At the end of the session, participants will be able to identify feelings of stress and understand new techniques for reducing stress on a daily basis.

The #1 Productivity Hack
Work life can be challenging. It’s easy to get caught in the chatter of the mind and talk yourself out of doing anything at all.

When you can clear out the emotional stress, anxiety and overwhelm you are able to take action.

All negative emotions are felt through a disruption of the body’s energy system. When we get overwhelmed and stress, it’s hard to be positive and productive. We tend to talk ourselves out of doing the very things we know we need to.

In this talk, I will not only explain the "hack" this technique offers but also offer an interactive session using the participants and real examples.  

Thiis Lunch and Learn will offer the participants:
- Guaranteed ways to lower stress and overwhelm.  
- Focus to get their To-Do List Done!  
- A Way to tackle the hardest thing first!

Want To Learn Some Mindfulness Tools?
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